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Archive for August, 2014

Where Did The Summer Go?

Where Did The Summer Go?

With just a few days left until the unofficial, official end of summer, I’m now taking stock of what I did with my summer vacation. It’s a carryover notion, my summer vacation, from childhood, but I like it. First off, I’d say that I’m just a bit cheesed off that we never had a proper […]

August 27, 2014 0 Comments More
Chris Lane, Editor | Carstens On30, HOn3 Annuals

Chris Lane, Editor | Carstens On30, HOn3 Annuals

For someone brand new to or just curious about On30, what do you feel are On30’s biggest strengths, its main appeal? The main appeal is that it allows someone with an interest in narrow gauge to dip their toe in the water and see if it is for them, without a huge commitment of time […]

August 23, 2014 More
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